Professional Cleaning Services You Can Trust.


One of the most difficult challenges faced by senior citizens is keeping their home clean and presentable. Great lakes Senior home cleaning services can help with the chores that can grow increasingly impossible as your loved one grows older. Cleaning chores that were once merely bothersome such as mopping floors, scrubbing toilets, dusting, and vacuuming can become physically exhausting or even dangerous, as it can lead to accidents or falls. Indeed, many seniors move out of their homes and into assisted living facilities simply because the task of keeping a house clean has become too difficult or harmful to their health.

Contact Greatelakes Contractors Today. 216 631 7777

In-Home or In-Facility Cleaning Services

As you age, you’ll probably want to spend less time on chores like cleaning and organizing and more time on your hobbies and interests. Sometimes, regular chores become too demanding due to physical challenges, illnesses, or aches and pains. 

While many seniors choose to move to a retirement or nursing homes, many more choose to age in place at their own residence with the help of mobile cleaning service

Quality cleaning means paying attention to detail. We’ve put together an experienced team of cleaners who are driven to provide the best possible cleaning services for your home. 


Our cleaners are meticulous and attentive and go above and beyond to ensure the tough jobs are done right. Whether you or a loved one needs help with spring cleaning, organizing, and downsizing, or requires weekly cleaning services, we’re ready to provide personal care and professional cleaning services.

Unlike most cleaning companies or maid services that offer packaged services for senior living, we customize our cleaning services to meet your lifestyle and address your greatest challenges. Here are some of the housekeeping services and cleaning plans we offer:

Contact Greatelakes Contractors Today. 216 631 7777

Deep Cleaning

Disinfecting surfaces & high-touchpoint areas

Serface Cleaning

Vacuuming & mopping all floors.

Bathroom Cleaning

Bathrooms scrubbed top to bottom (shower, toilet, sink)

Window Cleaning

Inside windows, window sills & blinds

Residential & Commercial Services

Customized Services


Contact Greatlakes Contractors Today! 216 631 7777

Hiring someone to assist with routine cleaning chores is a great way to help seniors to stay independent and to continue living in the home they know and love. Although there are wide varieties in the services available, the main objective of any senior cleaning service is to ensure your parents are living in a clean, safe and comfortable environment. Below are several characteristics that many senior cleaning services have in common and that may help bring peace of mind with regards to the decision to seek help.

Contact Greatelakes Contractors Today. 216 631 7777

Contact Greatlakes Contractors Today! 216 631 7777

We have more than 30+ years of experience in the field and have become one of the area’s most trusted names in painting homes.